So, just checking to see if this works, because you know I don't know what I'm doing. Things have quieted down a good bit since you left, both work-wise and other craziness. I've been trying to catch up with friends and do some sewing. This past Friday I had a picnic dinner with Marisa, Jonathan, and Micah at
Yards Park. It's a really cool park down on the waterfront kinda near the baseball stadium. It opened last summer, but it was in the too hot to think about going outside period, and I had never gotten around to checking it out until now. They had a band performing, and all kinds of fun stuff - a water fountain for kids to run around in, waterfall, water everywhere, benches and lounge chairs, and a bridge that looks like something out of Star Trek. Really, I expected to see shuttlecraft shooting out of it. We had a nice walk around and then took refuge under the pavilion as a wall of crazy rain blew through. This is the view from under the waterfall. You can see the bridge in the background.

Here, I hope is a cute picture of Micah:

We walked by the site of Marisa & Jonathan's new house (still to be constructed) and back to 8th Street, and then I biked home! Here is what I saw on my way home - sun setting behind Eastern High School:

I did a bunch of sewing and reading and knitting this weekend as well, but no pictures of that. I finished the top, back, and binding for one quilt and made about half the blocks for another, and I finished the baby sweater I'd been knitting. I cast on for a birthday sweater for MG, though considering your weather it looks like she could use it even this summer! My only hint - it is purple. And I had a flat tire, fortunately discovered as I was leaving home so I was able to pull into the alley and AAA came and changed out my six-month-old tire. Uncool.
So, this wasn't too hard so maybe I'll do it again!
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